How Google PPC Can Help Increase Your Patient Volume
- Devin McHatten, MBA
- One Comment
Have you been experimenting with different patient strategies to boost your patient volume? If you’re not getting the results that you want, you might want to try Google PPC advertising for your medical practice. If you place ads on Google through Google AdWords, you’ll be able to reach more people and attract a lot of patients. Read on to learn how Google PPC can help you.
When People Look For Local Doctors, They Use Google
If someone’s looking for a new doctor, they’re not going to talk to check the phone book. They’re going to use a search engine so that they can see what their options are.
If you place PPC ads on Google, you’ll be able to make sure that people see your practice when they search for a local doctor. Because PPC ads appear at the top of search results in position 1-4, everyone that searches with the right keywords will have the chance to see your ads.
Google PPC Has A Very High Conversion Rate
AdWord campaigns tend to be hugely successful. Not only do ads get a large number of clicks, but the people that click on those ads are also very likely to make a purchase or a phone call after they click.
Why are PPC ads so successful? If someone is searching for a local doctor, that means they need to find a doctor in the area. If they click on your ad, they’ll be presented with what they’re looking for. The searches that your ads show up for can be highly targeted to just people searching for your exact services.
Google PPC Allows You To Target Your Ads
Billions of people from all across the globe use Google every day. However, when you run a PPC campaign on Google, you’ll be able to control who sees your ads. You’ll be able to make sure your ads are people displayed to people in your area. You can even choose the times your ads run at.
When you can target your ads, you can make sure that anyone that sees your ads is actually looking for your service. You’ll have complete control over who is viewing your ads, which will allow you to draw in plenty of new patients.
Google PPC is pay per click, that means you don’t pay for advertising until a potential patient actually clicks on your ad. Hundreds of people can see your ad, but if they aren’t interested in the services you offer, then you don’t get charged until someone is interested and clicks on the ad to go to your website or call your office.
You Can Customize Your Campaigns To Make Them More Effective
You’ll have a lot of different options when you place an AdWords campaign. You can optimize your ads in different ways and choose options that will work very well for you. You can change your campaign at any time, which means you can try out different things and find the most successful methods which is one of the benefits.
As you continue to advertise on Google, you’ll be able to improve your ad strategies. Even more potential patients will be able to see your ads, which means you’ll have an even bigger chance of attracting more clients. It can do a lot to improve the health of your practice.
If you’ve been looking for ways to increase your patient volume, Google PPC is what you’ve been searching for. A Google AdWords campaign from Telos Digital Marketing will help you get significant results without spending a fortune. Experiment with PPC advertising and see what it can do for your practice